Creating My Header

My header is two separate photos that are my own.  One of the pictures, the city skyline, is a picture I took this summer while taking a helicopter ride over New York City.  The other picture, my sister and I on the beach, I took while I was on vacation in Bocas Del Toro, Panama, over Spring Break.  I chose these two pictures because they are two times where I felt I stepped out of my comfort zone.  I’ve always been scared of heights so getting in a helicopter without doors and flying over New York was definitely out of my comfort zone, but an experience I will remember forever.  Panama is normally a country that doesn’t have the best reputation so traveling there was a little scary but very worth it.

The process of making the header on Pixlr was more complicated than expected.  I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to do with the pictures, but I knew I wanted to include both of them.  At first I tried to blend the two pictures in the middle so they would fade into each other.  I tried splitting one picture and then having the layer underneath fade together.  Unfortunately, I couldn’t seem to figure out how to accomplish this goal.  So, instead of blending them together, I overlapped the pictures and made them transparent so you can see both images.  Although this was a simpler task, I think I was still able get the same message across with what I had done.

One Reply to “”

  1. Wow! Your header looks absolutely amazing! It’s amazing that you were able to figure out how to overlap the two photos in such a beautiful way. I also really like the symbolism behind the photos–stepping outside one’s comfort zone is a scary task but I find that it’s always a worthwhile learning experience. Great job!


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